Cloak Language

Cloak has developed its domain-specific language (DSL) to conveniently define privacy data and privacy policies. Considering the practicability of smart contracts, Cloak is currently developed based on Solidity. Cloak language is a domain-specific annotation language consisting of (memory) locations, data types, privacy types, expressions, statements, functions, and contracts.


Location (L) consists of contract field identifiers, function arguments, local variables and mapping entries. For example:

contract Demo { // contract field identifier

 final address _owner; // local variables
 mapping(address => uint256) pubBalances; // mapping entries
     function pubBalanceOf(address owner) public view returns (uint256) { // function arguments
         return pubBalances[owner];

Data Types

Data types (τ) define the common data structures in Cloak, including:









Binary data




  • Address, is used to indicate the address of users.

  • Binary data, is used to capture signatures, public keys and ciphertexts.


Cloak is still in the process of development and cannot support all data types. Nested mapping, string and array will be gradually supported later.

Privacy Types

Privacy types (α) define the data access rights, including me, all, tee and identifiers.

  • me, indicates that only the runtime address of the caller can obtain its plaintext.

  • all, indicates that all users can obtain its plaintext.

  • tee, indicates that only the TEE can obtain its plaintext.

  • identifiers, depends on the specific business to decide who is able to obtain the plaintext.

For example:

uint256@me x; // here, only the runtime address of the caller can obtain the plaintext of x.
uint256@alice y; // here, only the Alice can obtain the plaintext of y.

Type Declarations

Type declaration consisting of Data type and Privacy type is used to specify the owner of a construct, the usage is :

data type @ privacy type

For example:

final address@all _manager; // all
mapping(address => uint256) pubBalances; // public
mapping(address!x => uint256@x) priBalances; // private
uint256@tee _totalSupply;  // tee


The only Cloak-specific expressions (e) consist of the runtime address of the caller (me), common address of TEE (tee), reclassification of information (reveal()) and native functions including standard arithmetic and boolean operators.

reveal() is a operation that is able to change the access right. For example, one can reveal the value x to Alice:

uint256@me x; // here, Alice cannot obtain the plaintext of x.
uint256@alice x_alice;
x_alice = reveal(x, alice); //here, Alice is able to obtain the plaintext of x.

Of course, it can be public:

uint256 x_public;
x_public = reveal(x, all);


Statements (P) are the smallest executable unit in a program. A statement can complete a basic operation. Statements in Cloak can be divided into the following forms:

skip // to skip some operation
uint256@x balance //declaration of data type uint256 with privacy type private for identified balance
L = e // assignment statement
P1; P2 // semicolon is used between two statements
require(e) // error handling statement
if e {P1} else {P2} // judgment statement
while e {P} // circular statement


Function (F) is a group of statements that perform a task together. The general form of a function definition is as follows:

F ::= function f(τ_1@α_1 id_1, . . . , τ_n@α_n id_n) returns τ@α {P; return e; }

You can refer to specific examples to correspond to the formal description:

function pubBalanceOf(address owner) public view returns (uint256) {
    return pubBalances[owner];

It is noteworthy that the function in Cloak also has privacy types according to its data privacy types. Typically, there are three function types.

  • PUB, public, iff all data privacy types are @all.

  • CT, confidential transaction, iff only one private expression exists but is not owned by TEE.

  • MPT, multi-party transaction, iff one involves variables from different parties.

A Simple Cloak Contract

Cloak contract is similar to a traditional Solidity smart contract. Let us begin with a simple example that supports Multi-Party Transaction(MPT) with different privacy policies. It is fine if you do not understand everything right now, we will go into more detail later.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

pragma cloak ^0.2.0;

contract Demo {

    final address _owner;
    final address@all _manager; // all

    mapping(address => uint256) pubBalances; // public

    mapping(address!x => uint256@x) priBalances; // private

    uint256@tee _totalSupply;  // tee

    constructor(address manager) public {
        _owner = me;
        _manager = manager;

    /** PUB
     * @dev Gets the public balance of the specified address.
     * @param owner The address to query the balance of.
     * @return An uint256 representing the amount owned by the passed address.
    function pubBalanceOf(address owner) public view returns (uint256) {
        return pubBalances[owner];

    /** PUB
     * @dev Transfer token for a specified address
     * @param to The address to transfer to.
     * @param value The amount to be transferred.
    function transfer(address to, uint256 value) public returns (bool) {
        require(value <= pubBalances[me]);
        require(to != address(0));

        pubBalances[me] = pubBalanceOf(me) - value;
        pubBalances[to] = pubBalanceOf(to) + value;
        return true;

    /** CT-me
     * @dev Deposit token from public to private balances
     * @param value The amount to be deposited.
    function deposit(uint256 value) public returns (bool) {
        require(value <= pubBalances[me]);

        pubBalances[me] = pubBalances[me] - value;
        priBalances[me] = priBalances[me] + value;
        return true;

    /** CT-owner; change ownership; return private data;
     * @dev Gets the public balance of the specified address.
     * @param owner The address to query the balance of.
     * @return An uint256 representing the amount owned by the passed address.
    function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256@_manager) {
        uint256@_manager ts = reveal(_totalSupply, _manager);
        return ts;

    /** MPT
     * @dev Transfer token for a specified address
     * @param to The address to transfer to.
     * @param value The amount to be transferred.
    function multiPartyTransfer(address to, uint256 value)
        returns (bool)
        require(value <= priBalances[me]);
        require(to != address(0));

        priBalances[me] = priBalances[me] - value;
        priBalances[to] = priBalances[to] + value;
        return true;

    /** MPT: 2 parties (party0 != party1)
     * @dev Is party0 richer than party1
     * @param party0 address The first address for comparison
     * @param party1 address The second address for comparison
    function compare(address party0, address party1) internal returns (bool) {
        return priBalances[party0] > priBalances[party1];

    /** MPT: 2 parties (me != target); function call
     * @dev Is me richer than the target account
     * @param target address The address which you want compare with
    function isRicher(address target) public returns (bool) {
        return compare(me, target);

    /** MPT: 5 parties(from, to, me, _owner, _manager)
     * @dev Transfer tokens from one address to another
     * @param from address The address which you want to send tokens from
     * @param to address The address which you want to transfer to
     * @param value uint256 the amount of tokens to be transferred
    function multiPartyVoteTransfer(
        address from,
        address to,
        uint256@me value,
        bool@_owner ownerVote,
        bool@_manager managerVote
    ) public returns (bool) {
        if (ownerVote || managerVote) {
            require(value <= priBalances[from]);
            require(to != address(0));

            priBalances[from] = priBalances[from] - value;
            priBalances[to] = priBalances[to] + value;

        return true;

The first line tells you that the source code is licensed under the Apache version 2.0. The next line specifies that the source code is written for Cloak version 0.2.0.


Cloak is based on Solidity, so it is convenient for Solidity programmers, but it should be noted that the second line is the version of Cloak rather than solidity! Because Cloak has its own underlying compilation environment, which is different from solidity.

Most of the syntax is consistent with solidity, the difference lies in the privacy policy.

The line final address _owner; declares a state variable of type address. final is a keyword of zkay, meaning that they can only be assigned once in the constructor. The line final address@all _manager; declares a state variable that everyone can learn its plaintext. The line mapping(address!x => uint256@x) priBalances; // private shows a private privacy policy that the only x is able to obtain the plaintext. Analogously, uint256@tee _totalSupply;  // tee assigns the access right to TEE.

function pubBalanceOf(address owner) public view returns (uint256) {
     return pubBalances[owner];

The function pubBalanceOf(address owner) is public to return the owner’s pubBalance. Labelled with the view, it cannot change any variable, so it is safe to be public.

function transfer(address to, uint256 value) public returns (bool) {
     require(value <= pubBalances[me]);
     require(to != address(0));

     pubBalances[me] = pubBalanceOf(me) - value;
     pubBalances[to] = pubBalanceOf(to) + value;
     return true;

In function transfer(), the value of me was transferred to pubBalance[to]. These two require() ensures that the security of variables. Users need to use this function to conduct transactions, so it is public too.

function deposit(uint256 value) public returns (bool) {
     require(value <= pubBalances[me]);

     pubBalances[me] = pubBalances[me] - value;
     priBalances[me] = priBalances[me] + value;
     return true;

Function deposit() is a CT function, because the variable priBalances is a private type but does not belong to TEE.

function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256@_manager) {
     uint256@_manager ts = reveal(_totalSupply, _manager);
     return ts;

Function totalSupply() reveals the _totalSupply to _manager. Note that, ts is also private data for others.

function multiPartyTransfer(address to, uint256 value)
     returns (bool)
     require(value <= priBalances[me]);
     require(to != address(0));

     priBalances[me] = priBalances[me] - value;
     priBalances[to] = priBalances[to] + value;
     return true;

This function is an MPT function, it is very similar to transfer(). The difference lies in the mapping variables priBalances[], typed with @x.

function compare(address party0, address party1) internal returns (bool) {
     return priBalances[party0] > priBalances[party1];
function isRicher(address target) public returns (bool) {
        return compare(me, target);

Similarly, functions compare() and isRicher() are also MPT functions due to the private type of priBalance[].

function multiPartyVoteTransfer(
        address from,
        address to,
        uint256@me value,
        bool@_owner ownerVote,
        bool@_manager managerVote
    ) public returns (bool) {
        if (ownerVote || managerVote) {
            require(value <= priBalances[from]);
            require(to != address(0));

            priBalances[from] = priBalances[from] - value;
            priBalances[to] = priBalances[to] + value;

        return true;

This is an MPT, where private parameters are required.